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JavaScript SDK

Orama Cloud provides an official JavaScript SDK to help you integrate your indexes into your JavaScript application.


You can install the SDK using npm, yarn, pnpm, bun, or any other package manager of your choice:

Terminal window
npm install @oramacloud/client

When developing using Deno, you can import the SDK using the npm namespace:

import { OramaClient } from "npm:@oramacloud/client";

This SDK aims to be 100% compatible with every JavaScript environment, including Node.js, Deno, Bun, and browsers.


The SDK provides an OramaClient class that you can use to interact with the Orama Cloud API.

From there, you can connect to the Orama Cloud API and start making requests:

import { OramaClient } from "@oramacloud/client";
const client = new OramaClient({
endpoint: "YOUR_ENDPOINT_URL",

You can always find your public API key and endpoint in the Orama Dashboard. Here is an example of what it looks like:

Orama Index Dashboard

Remember, the API key and endpoint are public, so you can safely include them in your frontend application.

Performing a full-text search query

The Orama Cloud SDK wraps the open source search method, maintaining backward compatibility with the Open Source API.

import { OramaClient } from "@oramacloud/client";
const client = new OramaClient({
endpoint: "YOUR_ENDPOINT_URL",
const results = await{
term: "red shoes",
where: {
price: {
gt: 99.99,

You can perform full-text search on Orama Cloud by using the Orama Client SDK. Read the full documentation here.

You can perform vector search on Orama Cloud by using the Orama Client SDK. Read the full documentation here.