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Orama Cloud SDKs

Orama Cloud comes with a set of officially supported Software Development Kits that allow you to interact and connect with the platform programmatically.

The SDKs are available in multiple programming languages and provide a set of APIs that allow you to perform various operations on the platform, from performing searches and creating answer sessions, to managing your index data and trigger new deployments.

Supported Languages

Orama Cloud offers Official SDKs for the following programming languages.
Some features may not be available in all SDKs yet.

PackageSearch EngineAnswer EngineIndex Manager
Client JavaScript
Client PHP
Client Swift
Client Kotlin
Client Python (Coming soon)

Do you want to see a specific language supported? Let us know!

JavaScript SDK

You can install the JavaScript SDK via any major package manager. It supports every JavaScript environment, from servers to browsers, and edge networks.

It also provides TypeScript definitions for type-safe development.

Terminal window
npm install @oramacloud/client

Swift SDK

To install the Orama Cloud client in your Swift project, you’ll need to install CocoaPods and add the following line to your Podfile.

source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'OramaCloudClient', '~> 0.0.1'

Alternatively, you can use the Swift Package Manager by adding the following line to your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.0.1")

Kotlin SDK

To install the Orama Cloud multi-plataform client in your Kotlin project you need to enable mavenCentral and include the dependency in your build.gradle.kts:

repositories {
val oramaClientVersion = "0.0.3"
dependencies {
implementation "com.orama:oramacloud-client-kotlin:${oramaClientVersion}"

Python SDK

The Python SDK will be available soon. Stay tuned for updates!


Install the PHP SDK using composer. The minimum version required is PHP 7.3.

Terminal window
composer require oramacloud/client


Once you have your SDK for your preferred language installed, you can start performing full-text, vector, and hybrid search queries on Orama Cloud.

The client exposes a simple search method that can be used to query the index.

import { OramaClient } from "@oramacloud/client";
const client = new OramaClient({
endpoint: '<Your Orama Cloud Endpoint>',
api_key: '<Your Orama Cloud API Key>',
const results = await{
term: "red shoes",
mode: "fulltext", // optional, default is "fulltext" but can also be "vector" or "hybrid"
where: {
price: {
gt: 99.99,

Next Steps

The SDKs provide a wide range of functionalities that allow you to interact with Orama Cloud programmatically. Here are some guides to help you get started: