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Custom Integrations

Orama Cloud provides a growing number of native integrations with popular CMSs, eCommerce platforms, and other web applications.

Even though, if you want to integrate and connect Orama Cloud to a proprietary or custom software, you can use our custom integration options to feed Orama Cloud with your data.

How it works

When you need to regularly update the Orama Cloud index for production-grade workflows, or on a demand basis, we highly recommend considering feeding your index via REST APIs.

If you have the data available in a JSON format and you can provide a URL endpoint to fetch the data, you can use the Remote JSON data source.


When using a Custom Integration data source, you can choose when to redeploy the entire index or update only a specific segment.

Typically, you might set up a cron job to periodically update the index based on your needs. You can also trigger deployments on demand.


Check out our guides on how to integrate Orama Cloud with your custom data source: