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Introduction to search

Orama provides a simple search interface that allows you to search through your documents.

With a unique API, you can perform full-text, vector, and hybrid search.

Searching with Orama

By default, Orama uses all the string properties to perform the search. Let’s say we have a database that contains some elements:

import { create, insert, search } from "@orama/orama";
const movieDB = await create({
schema: {
title: "string",
director: "string",
plot: "string",
year: "number",
isFavorite: "boolean",
await insert(movieDB, {
title: "The prestige",
director: "Christopher Nolan",
plot: "Two friends and fellow magicians become bitter enemies after a sudden tragedy. As they devote themselves to this rivalry, they make sacrifices that bring them fame but with terrible consequences.",
year: 2006,
isFavorite: true,
await insert(movieDB, {
title: "Big Fish",
director: "Tim Burton",
plot: "Will Bloom returns home to care for his dying father, who had a penchant for telling unbelievable stories. After he passes away, Will tries to find out if his tales were really true.",
year: 2004,
isFavorite: true,
await insert(movieDB, {
title: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone",
director: "Chris Columbus",
plot: "Harry Potter, an eleven-year-old orphan, discovers that he is a wizard and is invited to study at Hogwarts. Even as he escapes a dreary life and enters a world of magic, he finds trouble awaiting him.",
year: 2001,
isFavorite: false,

We can now search for documents as easily as:

const searchResult = await search(movieDB, {
term: "Harry",

If you want to return all documents in the database, then you can omit the term in the search parameters.

What does the search method return?

Now that we have learned how to perform searches on a Orama database, we can briefly analyze the response that Orama gives us back.

Let’s say we have run the following query:

const searchResult = await search(movieDB, {
term: "Cris",
properties: ["director"],
tolerance: 1,

Whether the document was found or not, Orama gives back an object with the following properties:

elapsed: {
raw: 181208,
formatted: '181μs',
count: 2,
hits: [
id: '37149225-243',
score: 0.23856062735983122,
document: {
title: 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher\'s Stone',
director: 'Chris Columbus',
plot: 'Harry Potter, an eleven-year-old orphan, discovers that he is a wizard and is invited to study at Hogwarts. Even as he escapes a dreary life and enters a world of magic, he finds trouble awaiting him.',
year: 2001,
isFavorite: false
id: '37149225-5',
score: 0.21267890323564321,
document: {
title: 'The prestige',
director: 'Christopher Nolan',
plot: 'Two friends and fellow magicians become bitter enemies after a sudden tragedy. As they devote themselves to this rivalry, they make sacrifices that bring them fame but with terrible consequences.',
year: 2006,
isFavorite: true
elapsedobjectTime taken to execute the query.
Returns an object with the following shape:
{ raw: number, formatted: string }
hitsobjectArray of results containing result score (from 0 to 1 based on relevance), Orama’s ID, and original document.
countnumberNumber of total results.

In case of missing or empty term, all scores will be returned as 0.

Search on specific properties

The properties property defines in which properties to run our query.

const searchResult = await search(movieDB, {
term: "Chris",
properties: ["director"],

We are now searching for all the documents that contain the word Chris in the director property.

We can also search through nested properties:

const searchResult = await search(movieDB, {
term: "Chris",
properties: ["cast.director"],

By default, Orama searches in all searchable properties.

Exact match

The exact property finds all the document with an exact match of the term property.

const searchResult = await search(movieDB, {
term: "Chris",
properties: ["director"],
exact: true,

We are now searching for all the documents that contain exactly the word Chris in the director property.

Without the exact property, for example, the term Christopher Nolan would be returned as well, as it contains the word Chris.

Typo tolerance

The tolerance property allows specifying the maximum distance (following the Levenshtein algorithm) between the term and the searchable property.

The Levenshtein distance is a string metric for measuring the difference between two sequences. Informally, the Levenshtein distance between two words is the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one word into the other. (read more)

const searchResult = await search(movieDB, {
term: "Cris",
properties: ["director"],
tolerance: 1,

We are searching for all the documents that contain a term with an edit distance of 1 (e.g. Chris) in the director property.

Results limits

The limit property limits the result at the specified number.

const searchResult = await search(movieDB, {
term: "Chris",
properties: ["director"],
limit: 1,

We are searching for the first document that contains the term Chris in the director property.

Results offset

The offset property skips the first X results.

const searchResult = await search(movieDB, {
term: "Chris",
properties: ["director"],
offset: 1,

We are searching for all the documents that contain the term Chris in the director property, but returning the document at offset 1.


Orama can calculate distinct values letting you specify a unique key as follows:

const results = await search(db, {
distinctOn: "type",
sortBy: {
property: "rank",
order: "DESC",

Using the property distinctOn, Orama returns only the first document for every property type value. The results.hits array will contain only the first documents for every property type value.

NB: you can use this feature in combination with sortBy.

elapsed property customization

You can always customize the behavior of the elapsed property by using the formatElapsedTime component when creating a new Orama instance:

const db = await create({
schema: {
title: "string",
body: "string",
components: {
formatElapsedTime: (n: bigint) => {
return `custom value: ${n}`;

When performing a search operation, the elapsed property will now return the following value:

elapsed: 'custom value: 181208', // instead of { raw: 181208, formatted: '181μs' }
count: 2,
hits: [...]


Search is not case sensitive.