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Astro plugin

The plugin-astro plugin allows you to index the content of your Astro websites and offer text search to your visitors.


You can install the plugin using any major Node.js package manager.

Terminal window
npm install @orama/plugin-astro


There are two main aspects to consider when using this plugin:

  • DB generation
  • Loading DBs & performing searches
import orama from "@orama/plugin-astro";
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
// We can generate more than one DB, with different configurations
mydb: {
// Required. Only pages matching this path regex will be indexed
pathMatcher: /blog/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/.+$/,
// Optional. 'english' by default
language: "spanish",
// Optional. ['body'] by default. Use it to constraint what is used to
// index a page.
contentSelectors: ["h1", "main"],

When running the astro build command, a new DB file will be persisted in the dist/assets directory. For the particular case of this example, it will be saved in the file dist/assets/oramaDB_mydb.json.

Local development

Running Astro with astro dev does not bundle the assets, including Orama’s DBs, causing a “404 - not found” error when trying to load them.

In order to use Orama in local Astro development, you can run astro build to build your project and then astro preview to serve the built files in the dist/ folder.

Loading the DB on client-side

To use the generated DBs in your pages, you can include a script in your <head> section, as the following one:

<!-- Other stuff -->
// Astro will do the job of bundling everything for you
import { getOramaDB, search } from "@orama/plugin-astro/client"
// We load the DB that we generated at build time, this is an asynchronous
// operation, so we must either await, or rely on `.then` calls.
const db = await getOramaDB('mydb')
// Now we can search inside our DB. Of course, feel free to use it in more
// interesting ways.
console.log('Search Results')
console.log(search(db, { term: 'mySearchTerm' }))

For now, the plugin only expose load & search functionality on the client side, but we might expose other Orama features as soon as we stabilise some internal details and public APIs.